One thing you should know from the beginning, is how much your wife is going to do for your future baby.
We decided who is going to be our fertility specialist. We considered a few factors, but I think it’s pretty normal that the final decision was my wife’s. We chose a specialist who was recommended by her gynaecologist. After the first consultation with him, it was obvious that the treatment would be heavier on my wife, than on me. I was asked to take two tests only: a blood work, and the famous semen analysis, which compared to my wife’s list, was nothing. I think the best way to use my time and energy is to support her, and be there for her if she needs me.

"She was in so much pain from the pressure on her blocked tubes, that I could hear her yelling at the waiting room. "
It was evident that, if she wants, I am going to accompany her to all the appointments she has to go to. This is a real couple-goal. I want her to feel that we are doing this together. Support is always a good way to show you care, even if most of the time I cannot do anything else then just sit in the waiting room, and drive to and back home from the clinic.
So, today I was a driver again, and took her to the gynaecologist for HyCoSy. The doctor ordered her to take a new fallopian tube examination. Depending on this exam, we will know if we should/can go for IUI (intra-uterine insemination) or IVF. Fallopian tubes and their function is important because they lead the eggs to the womb, and it is also the place where the big meeting with the sperm happens. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, it’s impossible, and also can cause further complications.
Of course, I wanted to know a little bit more about this exam. The procedure is not too complicated. The doctor is going to inject some contrast fluid into the womb, and check by ultrasound the fluid's path journey. If the ultrasound can show the fluid passing through the tubes, it means the fallopians are clear, if not, it means they are blocked. If the tubes function well, the examination process is almost painless (they say), but if they don’t it can be painful. So, I am really worried for her, as our last information is that both her tubes are blocked.
Based on my research, I found something which gave some hope. It can happen during the examination process that from the pressure of the liquid the fallopian tubes become unblocked. Actually, one of my friends got pregnant right after HyCoSy, never before and never since then. Understandably, I had mixed feelings about the appointment.
To make it short: my wife is a superhero. She was in so much pain from the pressure on her blocked tubes, that I could hear her yelling at the waiting room. The good news: that the pain didn’t last, so she was completely fine when we left the clinic. The bad news: both of her tubes are completely blocked, so it’s more likely that our only one way of having a child is going for IVF.