If you are starting your IVF journey or about to embark on further treatment cycles, you are likely to be feeling a mix of emotions, and that is completely normal. Amidst the worry, excitement and uncertainty, affirmations can be a powerful tool to calm your mind and reinforce positive emotions, as well as providing gentle encouragement to make much-needed time for yourself.
Start by noticing and writing down the negative thoughts and worries that you are having (about treatment, or different areas in your life) or the areas where you need a bit of support, and align your affirmations with those.
Think about how you can reframe your worries into more helpful thoughts. For example, rather than thinking ‘this will never work for us’, think about all the things you are doing to increase your chances, or to cope throughout treatment. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- My body is strong, healthy and ready.
- I am surrounded by love and support on this journey.
- Every injection and procedure brings me closer to having a baby.
- My partner and I are a team, facing IVF challenges together.
- Each appointment brings me valuable information and progress.
- I am giving myself the care and attention my body needs.
Take 5 minutes somewhere quiet, close your eyes and repeat one of these phrases - in your head or aloud - then maybe write it in a diary or notebook to really embed the belief. To get the most benefit from affirmations, it’s a good idea to make it a regular practice so it becomes a habit. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times a day, and if it helps you could set reminders on your phone or write yourself notes to remind yourself to say it.
Start the year with affirmations that will support you through your fertility journey to help you feel calm, positive and in control.