If we cannot conceive naturally, it’s good to know which options we have in the world of artificial reproduction treatments (ART).
When we are confronted with the fact that we are not able to have a child in the natural way, we are directed to a fertility center. At the clinic it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the new information we have to take in. As beginners, we didn’t even know which are the ways to consider or what are the differences between the different forms of fertility treatments. The most commonly known fertility treatment is IVF, but it’s not the only one. But which are real options for us, and which direction should we take?
"We also have to talk about the classic in vivo fertilization. Simply put, have sex because anything can happen at any time."
The first two are relatively simple solutions to treat infertility, such as Planned Intercourse and Artificial Insemination.
The simplest fertility treatment is called Planned (or Timed) Intercourse. In this procedure a mild ovarian stimulation can be involved, promoting the growth of 2-3 follicles ideally. If the follicular growth is optimal (the doc checks it though ultrasound), ovulation can happen naturally or can be provoked by a trigger injection. By the end of the process the doctor will determine the days when it is most recommended to be together (have sex). This is a relatively natural fertility solution with some extra help. I think it’s an option for couples with good test results.
The second option is Artificial Insemination. The treatment starts with hormonal ovarian stimulation, and followed by a trigger injection. Even the most fertile days are determined by the doctor. However, the fertilization doesn’t take place by natural intercourse. By the end of the stimulation phase the male partner is asked for sperm collection. Sperms that have been washed and concentrated are placed directly in the woman’s uterus, cervix or fallopian tubes around the time the ovaries release one or more eggs to be fertilized. Insemination is usually recommended when everything is fine with the sperm and the woman’s fallopian tubes (or at least one of them) are permeable. The procedure is completely painless, it’s less expensive compared to IVF, but the success rate is lower: only 15-20%.
The next option is IVF (In Vitro Fertilization), which I think is the most known fertility treatment type. The main difference compared to the previous treatments is that the fertilization happens outside the body – ‘in vitro’ means ‘in a test tube’. The procedure is longer, more expensive, more complicated and involves a higher hormonal load than insemination.
What are the main stages you are going to undergo during an IVF treatment?
- Ovarian Stimulation. The goal of ovarian stimulation is to achieve multifollicular development by administering daily hormone injections, hoping more follicles, more eggs will be available for fertilization. There are several different medication protocols in use to achieve this. In the case of short protocol, the stimulation starts on Day 2 or 3 of the menstrual cycle, and takes about 7-11 days. The long protocol can take up to 4 weeks. It starts on Day 20 of the menstrual cycle with a 10-day long medication which helps to shut down the ovaries first. In step two the same ovarian stimulation starts as in the short protocol.
- Trigger Injection. If the follicles are sufficiently mature, the Trigger helps the growth and maturing of eggs.
- Egg retrieval, and Sperm Collection. 36 hours after the Trigger Injection the Egg Retrieval is going to take place. Using ultrasound, the fluid containing the eggs is collected from the follicles through the vagina with a needle. At the same time sperm is collected from the male partner.
- Fertilization. After collection, the eggs and sperm are cleaned in the embryologist’s laboratory, then a group of sperm is put together with the eggs to be fertilized. Practically the same thing happens in the incubator as in nature. There is no special intervention, they just organize a date between the eggs and sperm.
- Embryo development. The fertilized eggs spend 3-5 days in a special incubator at the embryology lab. The embryo divides and multiplies its cells. The embryologist selects the most viable embryo(s) for transfer by the end of the process.
- Embryo transfer. 3-5 days after fertilization, the most viable embryos are transferred back to the uterus with a simple, quick and painless procedure.
- 2-week-wait. The time period from embryo transfer to pregnancy test. If all goes well, implantation takes place during this time, and the embryo attaches to the uterus lining and continues its development there.
It’s also good to know about ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), as a special type of IVF treatment. It is practically one of the methods used in egg fertilization. It is usually recommended when sperm quality is not the best, or only a few eggs are available for fertilization. During ICSI procedure the embryologist selects the most beautiful and healthiest sperm and injects it directly into the egg. This can increase the chances of successful fertilization.
We also have to talk about the classic in vivo fertilization. Simply put, have sex because anything can happen at any time. We can meet a million wonderful stories; I also have several close friends who once had a baby arriving magically. Yet they had a paper about that impossibility. Never give up!
Step 1 of preparation: speak the IVF language.
I believe that self-education is a very important step for IVF preparation. You can find plenty of articles and studies to read. One topic is going to lead to another, giving you endless information about IVF and all its details.
"To be honest, it was very difficult for me to understand the comments at first, because of these almost code-like short form terms. It is like a secret language which is spoken by our special community only."
Visiting fertility or IVF forums can be really helpful as well, and these are a great source of information especially for a new bird like me. It helps me to know what is going to happen with me, and I also can gain knowledge from other’s experience (and sometimes learn from other’s mistakes, for example: why don’t take a pregnancy test too early).
I don’t know how much time you have spent on IVF or fertility blogs, but if you have visited at least one, you might have noticed that it’s full of acronyms. To be honest, it was very difficult for me to understand the comments at first, because of these almost code-like short form terms. It is like a secret language which is spoken by our special community only.
To make the life of the new birdies – as myself – easier, I decided to collect the basics of the IVF vocabulary. Have fun, learn a lot, educate yourself!
2WW: 2 weeks wait (from embryo transfer until pregnancy test)
AF: Aunt Flo, Period, or Menstrual Cycle
BCP: Birth Control Pills
BA: Baby Aspirin (low-dose aspirin to improve chances)
BD: Baby Dance (sex)
Beta: HCD pregnancy test
BFN: Big Fat Negative (negative pregnancy test)
BFP: Big Fat Positive (positive pregnancy test)
CB: Cycle Buddy (someone who is on IVF at the same time)
CD: (menstrual) cycle day
DE: Donor Egg
DH: Dear Husband
DI: Donor Husband (sperm donor)
DPO: Days Post-Ovulation
DPR: Days Post-Retrieval
DPT: Days Post-(Embryo)Transfer
DP5DT: Days Post 5-Day Transfer
DW: Dear Wife
EPT: Early Pregnancy Test
ER: Egg Retrieval
ET: Embryo Transfer
Frostie: Frozen Embryo
FSH: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
HCG: Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy hormone)
HPT: Home Pregnancy Test
HX: History
IF: Infertility
IUI: Intra-Uterine Insemination
IVF: In Vitro Fertilization
LMP: Last Menstrual Period (first day)
LSP: Low Sperm Count
MC: Miscarriage
MF: Male Factor
O, OV: Ovulation
OB/GYN: Obstetrician / Gynecologist
OHSS: Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
PG: Pregnant
PMS: Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
POAS: Pee On a Stick
RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist
RPL: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
SA: Semen Analysis
S/S: Signs/Symptoms
TTC: Trying To Conceive
TX: Treatment
US: Ultrasound
WNL: Within Normal Limits
How we won an extra month for IVF preparation. Always see the bright side.
While waiting for the second beta-HCG test unfortunately my period arrived. Of course, I was still hoping that all could still be alright, as you can find many stories of successful pregnancies of women having periods while pregnant. Unfortunately, my blood test confirmed later that the HCG level dropped, meaning the pregnancy ended.
I really needed some time to digest what just happened....
"According to Dr. Lauren Averbuch study, 30-50% of women have had one chemical pregnancy in their fertile years, but many women don’t even know about it if they don’t take a pregnancy test."
The pregnancy was real, that’s for sure. Which is amazing news, because it means I am able to conceive, we are able to make a baby.
I had a ‘chemical pregnancy’, also called a ‘very early miscarriage’, which happens on the fourth or fifth week of pregnancy. Actually, chemical pregnancies are fairly common. According to Dr. Lauren Averbuch study, 30-50% of women have had one chemical pregnancy in their fertile years, but many women don’t even know about it if they don’t take a pregnancy test. This type of miscarriage is usually caused by some kind of chromosomic, genetic abnormality of the developing embryo. It’s somewhat comforting that in almost all articles I read about this topic it was clearly written that it cannot be my fault, I could not do anything to prevent it. I decided to believe it, and not to carry the anxiety with me.
When my period ended, I paid a visit to my doctor. He confirmed that he cannot see anything to worry about. Everything is in great order inside and my uterus lining started to build up again. New month, new chances. ☺ He gave me three good reasons to be positive:
- This unexpected pregnancy confirms that we are able to have a baby. The egg of mine and the sperm of my husband were happy to meet, and they are ready to cooperate.
- Because of the hormonal changes caused by the pregnancy, we have a higher chance to conceive again in the next few months.
- If we are ready, we can start our IVF treatment by my next period.
As we have to wait one more month to (finally) start our first cycle, we decided that we are going to use this extra time for some preparation, and boost our bodies and minds as much as we can.
TIP: Don't drive yourself mental during your fertility journey by getting a diagnosis of your symptoms by Dr. Google. Don’t do this to yourself.
More and more men are affected by fertility problems. Why is this topic not spoken more about?
To make it short, on the second consultation, we got the green light from the doctor to go for IVF, as our only one chance of having a baby. Actually, the plan was that in a week or so, we will start our fertility treatment.
"It never crossed my mind before how much I can do to improve my reproductive health. To be honest, it did not cross my mind either that I have to do anything for it."
As you could read in my previous article, I am going to face our first IVF cycle with my ‘not too tragic’ but ‘not great at all’ semen analysis result. After the stage of ‘Unbelievable’, I entered the phase of ‘Acceptance’, then I started to think about how I can improve my result.
I dived into the world of ART (Artificial Reproductive Treatments), and came across my new favorite word: fertility awareness. We hear about many different awareness and consciousness, but the term ‘fertility awareness’ was completely new for me. It never crossed my mind before how much I can do to improve my reproductive health. To be honest, it did not cross my mind either that I have to do anything for it.
Fortunately, the sperm production is continuous in our body, and takes approximately 3 months to create a completely new army. It means that with some changes in our diet, lifestyle, and habits, we can do a lot for sperm who will be formed in the future. Of course, this cannot happen overnight. It takes about 3 months to notice significant improvement on the result.
Unfortunately, in my case, I had too little information about this topic, and too little time left for big improvement or to correct my bad result. But, of course, it didn’t discourage me to start some changes, because – I believe - every journey starts with one step.
It would be great if this information wouldn’t reach only those couples who are already participating in IVF programs. It’s scary to read that there’s a tendency for men’s fertility to deteriorate from decade to decade, and moreover, typically, men don’t like to test and face it. How much easier it would be to avoid a lot of setbacks, stress and sometimes relationship problems that come with fertility failures. Fertility awareness is all about avoiding these above.
Edit: Our IVF cycle is postponed, because a little miracle happened. Who knows how, but we were able to conceive naturally. We had a chemical pregnancy, meaning that one of my sperm was able to fertilize an egg naturally, but unfortunately the implantation was not successful. This is proof: we can do it! ☺ We have to wait a month to start our fertility treatment, which also means that I gained an extra month to improve (even a bit) my sperm condition.
Stay positive on the journey, because it’s pretty sure you are going to face some unexpected situations.
As we got the ‘green light’ from the doctor to start our IVF treatment, we don’t have anything else to do just to wait for my period to start, and on the first day to contact the clinic.
"And BOOM! There are two famous lines, the first time in my life. "
It’s the first time in my life actually waiting for my period to arrive. I am sure you know the feeling when you are actually sure your period just started, but nothing happens. I started to have these pre-menstruation symptoms (PMS) one week prior to my normal time. Thanks to my Period Tracker, I know when she should arrive.
Four days before my expected time, I noticed some spotting, which made me super happy as it is a good sign: my period is going to start the same day or next day at the latest. But the following day nothing really changed. I was running to the toilet every 30 minutes to see if there's any change, but all the same. It’s still the same spotting or super-duper light flow, what can be my period, even though it’s absolutely unusual for me.
I don’t want to make any mistake and risk that I don’t start the stimulation in time. I don’t really care if the doctor is going to think I am an idiot and not be able to tell if I am menstruating or not, so I decided to pay a visit to the Clinic. I must be not the first one with this ‘stupid’ question, because my doctor doesn’t give me any strange look. ☺ He does a short ultrasound test on me, and confirms that it’s not my period yet, and we have to wait until the normal flow. (Hopefully I will be able to recognize what ‘normal’ means, but I will try my best.)
The next few days were nerve-wracking. The day of my expected period arrived, but still all the same, and so on the day after.
I really don’t know why, but I got a stupid idea stuck in my mind: I should take a pregnancy test. I ran to the closest pharmacy, bought a super sensitive test. I took it with absolute peace of mind, because as the doctor confirmed a week ago, there is no way that I can be pregnant. And BOOM! There are two famous lines, the first time in my life. I am shocked, and so is my husband. I cannot believe it! I know that it is almost impossible to have a false positive test, but I need a second opinion. Fortunately, there’s a lab close by, where I can get a beta-HCG blood test done today, but I have to wait for the result till next morning.
The difference between home pregnancy test and blood test is that the blood test can detect a smaller amount of HCG (pregnancy hormone) compared to a urine test. The result of the blood test is also more accurate, because the lab test result shows the quantity of HCG hormone found in the blood.
If there is something that I really cannot deal with is the: uncertainty. I never got pregnant in my life before, and now - just a few days before our IVF treatment to start - I (most likely) am.
The next morning finally, we received my result via email: I do have HCG in my blood, so I am PREGNANT, but the level is low. I called my doctor, but unfortunately, he cannot help me too much... He confirms that there is a pregnancy detected, but hormone level is low (which doesn’t mean too much). He asks me to take another test in 3 days, as the HCG should double by then, and will give us more information.
This day leaves us with more questions than answers.
How I learned that sperm analysis isn’t about getting a certificate about my fertility superbness, but showing me there’s room for improvement.
On the next consultation with our doctor, unfortunately it became official, which was only my guess until then: the result of my semen analysis is – let’s say - not ’the best’. The doctor pronounced it clearly: I am involved in our fertility journey as much as my wife is. I am the other 50% in the formula, and the reason why IVF is our only way of having a child together. It didn’t break me, but it was not a comfortable feeling either. I needed some time to digest the situation. I read a few studies about the fact that male fertility has become a bigger problem these days than female fertility. Most of the studies say that minimum 30% (some of them say up to 50%) of infertility problems come from the male side. Studies also show that men’s sperm count dropped, and the capability of fertilization decreased drastically (to its half) over the last few decades in Europe. It surprises me, because if it’s really such a big, common problem, why don't we speak / know more about this?! Knowing that I am definitely not alone with this problem helps me put my mind to ease but it still bugs my ego.
Anyway, let's see what a sperm analysis is about, and my result?
"Most of the studies say that minimum 30% (some of them say up to 50%) of infertility problems come from the male side."
- During the test, they measure the volume of the semen. The normal parameter is 1.5-6 ml (I had 5 ml, so I was OK with this part). This factor is important to show us how big our army will be to start with.
- They also check on its pH. The ideal value is 7.2 (slightly alkaline), but it is considered normal between 7.2-7.8. (Mine was 8.)
- They also check on the motility of the sperms, which is significant because they have to take a long way to reach their goal. If we calculate from the total sperm count, at least half of the little fighters should have good movement. In my case, the progressive motility (when the sperms move in a straight line along a large-arc circle) was 50% (this is ideal). My non-progressive motility value (when sperm moves along a small-arc circle) was 5%. 50% + 5% = 55% in total (which is ok!). I’ve never been a great dancer, but at least my spears are moving well.
- Sperm concentration and sperm count are also determined. Sperm concentration shows how many sperm are present in 1 ml of semen, and sperm count shows the total number in the whole ejaculation. These indicators are changing so mournfully, that an acceptable normal minimum value is no longer even set. The WHO (World Health Organization) has recently given the normal values at 15 million / ml and 39 million / sample. I had 10 million / ml and 50 million / ejaculation, which are not particularly good values.
- They also examine the morphology of the sperms (if the sperm head is in the right shape or size). The sperm head, for example, plays an important role in breaking through the egg wall to be able to fertilize it. According to the WHO numbers, at least 4% of the sperms should be in formal order (unfortunately, this was only 2% for me). Interestingly, I also came across a study that showed that 29% of men with 0% normal-shaped sperm were able to fertilize an egg in the natural way (not with IVF). So, sperms with abnormal head shape doesn’t mean that there’s any genetic problem with them.
The official diagnosis of seeing all my numbers together was: oligo-teratozoospermia. Meaning I have reduced sperm count and low sperm motility.
However, there is a significant advantage for men over women. While the number of eggs is given at birth, and from then this number decreases and then runs out, in men the sperms are renewed cyclically. The process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) takes 74 days. (Because we cannot know which part of this cycle we are in, it is better to calculate with 3 months). Meaning: in most cases, men have a chance to improve their ‘sperm situation’ in three months.
Our second IVF consultation. Finding the best way of ART.
Mission completed: we got all the needed preparation tests done, and all data uploaded to the app for the 2nd consultation. It looks like our doctor even had time to check on them, because upon entering his office, I could see a folder with our names on it, and filled with printed documents. We officially have our IVF documentation.
"Does my age matter? The simple answer is: YES."
I built up so many scenarios in my mind which directions we can take from here. Being super confident at a moment, and feeling completely clueless at another. It feels like being a little girl, who is looking for an adult for help.
Let’s start with the good news (I always prefer it this way). Based on my blood test result I am very healthy, just need a bit of Vitamin D boost. Actually, I didn’t know that Vitamin D plays a key role in fertility, and its optimal level is essential for both female and male reproductive functions. My womb, and uterus lining looks perfect as well, ready to be a great home for our baby. My period is regular, and I have ovulation (which is one of the most important things). The tests didn’t find any diseases, so we got the green light for our fertility treatment.
My hormone levels look great as well. We are going to check on them a few times during the IVF cycle. Because as the doctor explains to me, our hormones have their special ‘dance’ during our menstrual cycle. All of them have to do their special moves at the right time. If everything happens according to the choreography, the performance will be great.
The only one hormone on the report, which level doesn’t change during this period, is the Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH). It gives information about how many potential eggs we have left for our fertile years. This also helps to answer one of the most common questions: Does my age matter? The simple answer is: YES. My AMH level is 0.732 ng/ml now, which if I compare to my level six year ago (2.41ng/mL), shows a huge drop. I won’t lie, it shocked me, and made me realize if I really want to have a child, I don’t have more time to waste.
The doctor asked me to undergo a fallopian tube test. Unfortunately, the result is still the same as 6 years ago, both of them are completely blocked. Meaning: because of the blockage, my eggs won’t be able to meet the sperms, and get fertilized. It also means that IUI (intra-uterine insemination) won’t be a solution for us (it can work with normal tube functions only).
So, we have two options left: (no1) laparoscopic surgery, and trying to unblock my tubes; or (no2) IVF.
With laparoscopy the surgeon can try to unblock the tubes by removing scars or damaged parts of the fallopian. When I ask the doctor about the chance of success, his bet is at 50-50, because we don’t have information about the cause of the blockage. BUT before making my decision, he advises to consider one more factor: the result of the semen analyses.
My husband’s result is not a disaster (he had seen lots of IVF success stories with a lot worse spermiogram), but his sperms are not as tip-top as they used to be many years ago, when he became a father of three amazing daughters. Even if we were able to unblock my fallopians, it wouldn’t be easy for us to conceive naturally.
As the doctor said: from now on, both of us play an important role in our fertility story.
The summary of our consultation:
Considering my AMH level, my husband’s sperm situation, and the fact that both of my fallopians are blocked, our best way to go is IVF. We are great candidates; the doctor cannot see any reason which should worry us. He asks us to contact and visit him again on the 2nd day of my next period, when we are going to start the stimulation, and our first IVF cycle.
How to be effective with scheduling your tests and examinations for your second IVF consultation.
We were given a lot to do before our second IVF consultation. As the doctor said, we can only schedule our next appointment when we have all our test results. Our next goal is: getting all the tests done before my next period, and start our IVF treatment by my next menstrual cycle.
"It’s clear that all the scheduling has to be around my period, because some of the examinations can be done only on specific days of my cycle. "
Both of us are on a tight working schedule, so we have to be as effective as possible, and act as pros. We don’t want to wait an additional month to start our journey, so we are going to do our very best.
Deadline of getting all the results in our hands: 5 days before my next period (reason: the treatment starts on the 1st or 2nd day of menstruation).
Here is our To-Do list (yours can be different, it depends on your personal story):
- a complete blood test for me
- blood test for my husband
- checking on my hormone levels
- PAP (smear) test
- Cervix ultrasound scan
- Examination of vaginal discharge
- mammography
- semen analysis
- and the fallopian tube test
It’s clear that all the scheduling has to be around my period, because some of the examinations can be done only on specific days of my cycle.
Step No1: I set up an event for all the tests needed in the Leeaf app, but I haven’t scheduled any specific date or time yet.
Step No2: I called all the doctors and clinics which we need help from, and asked for information about:
- how long the result is going to take,
- how fast we can get an appointment,
- if there is any preferred day (of my period) to take the examination.
Step No3: Based on the information from the clinics, we set up our optimal schedule:
- My hormonal checkup must be on Day2 or Day3 of my period. Good news: I can do it together with my complete blood test. The result can take up-to 7 days, but it’s easy to get an appointment. It’s enough if I call them when my period starts, and make an appointment for the next day. I will schedule it for Day2. Good news no2: My husband can get the blood test done on the same day.
- HyCoSy (fallopian tube test): it's best to schedule it between Day5 and Day10 of my menstrual cycle (to make sure that I’m not pregnant). I will get the result right after the examination. I will schedule it for Day5 on the 1st day of my period. (It could be done together with the PAP test, but as I have a fresh result, I don’t have to redo.)
- Semen analysis can be done any time, but the result can take up to 10 days. Important to remember: no sex for 4 days (not less, not more) before the exam.
- Mammography: I need this test because I am above age 35. It’s recommended to do it by the beginning of the period. I am going to receive the result immediately. I will schedule it for Day10.
- Cervix scan must be done after ovulation (immediate result). It can be done together with the vaginal discharge exam (I have to wait 5-7 days for the result). I will schedule these for Day18.
Step No4: I grouped together the tests which can be done together in the Leeaf app, and added all the extra given information to them as notes.
Step No5: I have to wait for the 1st day of my period and call all the clinics/doctors and book all my appointments in advance.
Step No6: Set the dates and time for all the tests in the app.
It looks like all can be done in time. ☺
One thing you should know from the beginning, is how much your wife is going to do for your future baby.
We decided who is going to be our fertility specialist. We considered a few factors, but I think it’s pretty normal that the final decision was my wife’s. We chose a specialist who was recommended by her gynaecologist. After the first consultation with him, it was obvious that the treatment would be heavier on my wife, than on me. I was asked to take two tests only: a blood work, and the famous semen analysis, which compared to my wife’s list, was nothing. I think the best way to use my time and energy is to support her, and be there for her if she needs me.
"She was in so much pain from the pressure on her blocked tubes, that I could hear her yelling at the waiting room. "
It was evident that, if she wants, I am going to accompany her to all the appointments she has to go to. This is a real couple-goal. I want her to feel that we are doing this together. Support is always a good way to show you care, even if most of the time I cannot do anything else then just sit in the waiting room, and drive to and back home from the clinic.
So, today I was a driver again, and took her to the gynaecologist for HyCoSy. The doctor ordered her to take a new fallopian tube examination. Depending on this exam, we will know if we should/can go for IUI (intra-uterine insemination) or IVF. Fallopian tubes and their function is important because they lead the eggs to the womb, and it is also the place where the big meeting with the sperm happens. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, it’s impossible, and also can cause further complications.
Of course, I wanted to know a little bit more about this exam. The procedure is not too complicated. The doctor is going to inject some contrast fluid into the womb, and check by ultrasound the fluid's path journey. If the ultrasound can show the fluid passing through the tubes, it means the fallopians are clear, if not, it means they are blocked. If the tubes function well, the examination process is almost painless (they say), but if they don’t it can be painful. So, I am really worried for her, as our last information is that both her tubes are blocked.
Based on my research, I found something which gave some hope. It can happen during the examination process that from the pressure of the liquid the fallopian tubes become unblocked. Actually, one of my friends got pregnant right after HyCoSy, never before and never since then. Understandably, I had mixed feelings about the appointment.
To make it short: my wife is a superhero. She was in so much pain from the pressure on her blocked tubes, that I could hear her yelling at the waiting room. The good news: that the pain didn’t last, so she was completely fine when we left the clinic. The bad news: both of her tubes are completely blocked, so it’s more likely that our only one way of having a child is going for IVF.
How to get ready and prepared for the first consultation with your fertility specialist.
Finally, the day of the first meeting with our fertility specialist! Fortunately, the waiting list was not too long, but even the 14 day wait felt like months. I couldn’t help myself from doing a bit of google research on our doctor, but I promised myself I wouldn’t make any expectations based on other’s opinions. We prepared a few questions based on what we learned about IVF in the last few weeks, and we’re hopeful to get our answers.
"Surprisingly, he didn’t have too many questions about my husband, or about my lifestyle. "
The consultation started easy and smooth; I could tell that he saw a lot in his practice. I imagined his office with new born baby photos on the wall, but there was no sign of them, although the room was very friendly and cozy.
The consultation started with some basic medical questions, such as my age, weight, any sicknesses in my family. Speaking about weight: did you know that it’s a key factor while going under IVF? Being over- or underweight can greatly affect the outcome of IVF treatment. It’s important to face, because if you have weight issues, it usually takes a few months to fix it. So, if you think this might be an issue, take it as a first step of the preparation.
We then continued with some fertility related topics, such as questions about my period, if I have been pregnant before, and my IVF history. Having all the data handy in my Period Tracker app was super helpful. Actually, if you track your period for more than a year, you can find interesting patterns in it. Knowing your period well, will help your doctor a lot. (TIP: upload all your related data or documentation to the Leeaf app.)
Surprisingly, he didn’t have too many questions about my husband, or about my lifestyle. (I was a bit disappointed, because I could proudly tell him about my positive lifestyle changes.) But anyway, based on our answers he declared us as a perfect couple for IVF. Yeah!
After, we opened the big question: which way is going to lead us to conceive and have a baby. Based on my blocked fallopian tube situation, he offered us three possible ways to go.
- He had a look at my (6 years) old tube examination result. He said “6 years is a long time”, and it would be great to have a fresh exam to see the current situation. If they are still blocked, we have the option of laparoscopy.
- If it turns out that my fallopians are not blocked anymore, we could go for IUI (intrauterine or artificial insemination), which compared to IVF, it’s a relatively simple fertility treatment, and can be done with a much smaller amount of fertility drugs.
- If my tubes are still blocked, and I don’t want to go for a laparoscopy, then we can start our IVF treatment.
So, we have to make our decision based on the result of a new fallopian tube test. I have mixed feelings about doing the test again. From one side, it would be amazing if it turned out that my tubes are not blocked anymore, but from the other side, I know, if all would be good with them, we would have already conceived.
We left his office with a list of the tests and examination we needed to get done so that he could see what will be the best way for us to move forward:
- a complete blood test for me
- a blood test for my husband
- checking on my hormone levels by the 3rd day of my period
- PAP (smear) test
- Celvix ultrasound scan (after my ovulation)
- Examination of vaginal discharge
- mammography
- semen analysis
- and the fallopian tube test
We are going to have a busy month ahead!