Cookie Politik

We at Cognitive IVF a.s. give a special emphasis on the protection of the personal data and we value your privacy choices. The objective of this Cookies Policy is to provide you with information about the cookies used by us, function of these cookies and choices which you have when managing cookies settings.
We encourage you to get acquainted with this information carefully. If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time using the contact details at the bottom of this page.

The terms “we”, “us”, ”our” mean Cognitive IVF a.s., ID No. 09608095, with its registered seat in Prague, Olivova 2096/4, Postal no. 110 00, Czech Republic. The terms “you” and “your” refer to you, as a user of our services through Leeaf mobile application (“App”), our website (“Site”) or by any other means, as a customer purchasing our products or as a visitor of our website. The term “personal data” refers to all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as “data subject”), both in the sense of the European General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).

Any personal data collected with the use of cookies are processed according to our Privacy Policy.


What are cookies

Each time you visit our Site or App, we store cookies, which are small files containing information about your visit, saved on your device and readable on subsequent visits.
We use both cookies that are deleted after your visit on our App or Site and cookies that remain on your device for a set period, but generally no longer than 2 years.
In addition to cookies, we also use other similar technologies which read data from your device or web browser or save data on your device or to your browser, such as web beacons, i.e. small images contained in our platform that are loaded by your device and have a similar function to cookies. To make it easier, we will use the term cookies to also encompass these technologies.
The cookies and other tracking techniques we may use collect automatically the following information: device information (hardware model, information about the operating system and its version, unique device identifiers, mobile network information, device storage information), location information (IP address, time zone, information about your mobile service provider), and usage data (including, among others: frequency of use, areas and features of our website or our mobile application you visit, your use patterns generally, engagement with particular features).


Purpose of cookies

Essential cookies

Some of the cookies we use are needed for the proper operation of the Site and App, products or services and their security (essential cookies). These cookies also help us to:

  • identify you as you navigate on our website and on repeated visits, for example to remember your login from specific device and not to ask for your login details repeatedly or to prevent deletion of your online cart;
  • ensure security of you and our website, for example to investigate whether your connection to our website was misused and someone is not acting on your behalf, or to prevent attacks on our website, protect its correct functioning and security of your data.

Optional cookies

Further, with your consent, we also use cookies for:

  • customization of website (functional cookies);
  • analysis of visits of website (analytics cookies);
  • promotion and marketing on our Site and in the App (marketing cookies).

The consent is given via our Cookies Sidebar, which will be shown to you on our Site or App.

More information about purposes for which we use cookies and process personal data is available in our Privacy Policy.

Third-party providers

Apart from our own cookies, we also use cookies of third-party providers to achieve the purposes described above. These providers may collect or receive information from cookies and use this information according to description provided in their own privacy policies. Cookies are then set by these third-party providers or by us on their behalf. Currently, we use the following third-party providers:



Options for managing cookies

If you want to influence the scope and extent to which we use cookies, you may use options given by our Cookies Sidebar, your browser, mobile settings or third-party providers.

Cookies Sidebar

Any optional cookies on our Site or App, i.e. functional cookies, analytics cookies and marketing cookies, are used only after your consent, which you can give us through the Cookies Sidebar. This Cookies Sidebar will be shown to you when you visit our Site or App or you can view it when clicking on its minimized version.

In our Cookies Sidebar, you may opt-out from use of each of the optional cookies, i.e. functional cookies, analytics cookies and marketing cookies. You may do this each time you visit our Site or App.


Browser settings

If you want to block cookies in your web browser, you may use its settings which enable administration of cookies. Within this browser settings, you may delete specific cookies, block them, forbid their usage or limit their use in any other way. But we must warn you, that if you block the essential cookies in your browser, the website may not function properly and it may not be technically possible to provide you with some of our products or services. For more information, please visit the following links:

Internet Explorer:
Microsoft Edge:

Mobile settings

Your mobile device may enable you to opt-out of interest-based advertising or to reset your mobile identifier. By this identifier, your device may be identified just like with cookies. If you have iOS device, you may use the “Limit Ad Tracking” setting, and if you have an Android device, you may use the “Opt out of Interest-Based Ads” setting. Both of these options enable you to limit the use of information about your use of apps for targeted advertising.

Third-party providers

You may also opt-out from the use of optional cookies by some of our third-party providers using the following links:

Cookies used

We use the following cookies, which we divide by their category:

Processor Cookies designation Personal data Purpose of processing Legal Reason Processing time
Technical cookies / similar technologies
Cognitive IVF a.s. dcb_dsv no Version of consent to the processing of cookies. legitimate reason local storage / 365 dní
Cognitive IVF a.s. dcb_config no Configuration of consent to the processing of cookies. legitimate reason local storage / 365 dní
Analytical cookies / similar technologies
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States cookiePreferences no Registers the user's cookie preferences. user consent 2 years
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _ga no ID used to identify users user consent 2 years
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _ga_ no ID used to identify users user consent 2 years
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _gid no ID used to identify users for 24 hours after the last activity user consent 24 hours
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _gat no Used to track the number of Google Analytics server requests when using Google Tag Manager user consent 1 minute
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _dc_gtm_ no Used to track the number of requests from the Google Analytics server user consent 1 minute
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States AMP_TOKEN no It contains the token code that is used to retrieve the client ID from the AMP Client ID service. user consent 30 seconds to 1 year
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _gat_gtag_ no It is used to set up and get tracking data. user consent 1 hour
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States _gac_ no It contains information related to the user's marketing campaigns. These are shared with Google AdWords/Google Ads when Google Ads and Google Analytics accounts are linked. user consent 90 days
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utma no An ID used to identify users and sessions. user consent 2 years after last activity
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmt no It is used to track the number of requests from the Google Analytics server. user consent 10 minutes
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmb no It is used to differentiate between new sessions and sessions. This cookie is set when the GA.js javascript library is loaded and there is no existing __utmb cookie. The cookie is updated each time data is sent to the Google Analytics server. user consent 30 minutes after the last activity
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmc no It is only used with old versions of Urchin Google Analytics, not with GA.js. It is used to differentiate between new sessions and sessions at the end of the session. user consent End of session (browser)
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmz no It contains information about the traffic source or campaign that directed users to the website. The cookie is set when the GA.js javascript is loaded and is updated when data is sent to the Google Analytics server. user consent 6 months after last activity
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmv no Custom information for web developers is received through the _setCustomVar method in Google Analytics. The cookie contains new updates as well as new reports on the Google Analytics server. user consent 2 years after last activity
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmx no It is used to determine whether a user is included in an A/B test or a multivariate test. user consent 18 months
Google LLC - 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States __utmxx no It is used to determine when an A/B or multivariate test in which the user participates ends. user consent 18 months

Changes to this Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy is current as of May 1, 2023. We may change this Cookies Policy from time to time, so please be sure to check back periodically. We will post any changes to this Cookies Policy on our website. These changes will be effective immediately for new users and will become effective for existing users through continued use of the products/services after the effective date of the posted change.
